AWS Usergroup Dublin MeetUp #14

When: Tuesday 14 June, 2016


Update from the world of AWS and recent technology developments. Featuring Joe Drumgoole from Mongo DB, Rob Jennings & Oisin de Condúin from Version1, and Joe Heung from Logentries.

AWS Usergroup Dublin MeetUp #14 RSVP

Tuesday, Jun 14, 2016, 6:00 PM

Location details are available to members only.

146 members Attending

AWS Usergroup Dublin MeetUp #14Thanks to Sponsors:Mongo DBVersion 1Agenda:17:45 – Doors Open / Registration / Networking / Grab a Drink18.00 – START – AWS User Group, DublinIntro to Speakers & Sponsors with Jason O’Conaill18.10: Ronan Guilfoyle from AWSWhat’s new this month from AWS. Update from the world of AWS and recent technology devel…

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