Dublin Technology Leaders Society Meet Up (RSVP)
August 16, 2017
When: Tuesday 29 August, 2017
Where: Bank of Ireland - Hamilton Building, The University of Dublin Trinity College, College Street
The Next Dublin Senior Technology Leaders MeetUp will be on Tuesday the 29th of August. The Meetup will be held at the Hamilton Building, Trinity College Dublin 2 (just beside Pearse Street Station entrance). The topic on the day will be innovation. We are excited to say Ken Finnegan Chief Technologist at the IDA will be speaking about Innovation and sharing some of the fantastic technology innovations that are currently occurring in Ireland from local and international technology companies in Ireland. Second Speaker is Colm Ó hEocha Agile Transformation Leader, Scrum Lean & Kanban Coach. ‘Build Innovation In’ with Agile The majority of Agile transformations fizzle and die after a few months, or only serve as window dressing on a broken process. Yet some companies report massive benefits, with lowered costs and cycle times, better quality and planning, more innovation, happier employees. What sets these apart? While leading over 50 agile transformations over the last decade I’ve seen what works and what doesn’t. Agile is about discovery, learning and innovation as much as it is about delivering software. Its designed for complex environments where we don’t have all the answers at the start. And its this misunderstanding of what agile is about, and the fundamental changes it requires throughout an organisation, that leads to shallow implementations that invariably fail. In this short talk I’ll outline how agile builds learning and innovation into the heart of software development, and what is needed for a successful transformation to an agile organisation. Third Speaker Tim Hynes the CIO of AIB will be speaking about Innovation. The MeetUp will start at 5:45pm with food, drinks and snacks served and then presentations starting circa 6:20pm. I look forward to meeting you there. To get a sneak peak of what you can expect, check out the video link below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGZFKhlWnx4