Electronics, Microcontroller and IOT Evening
February 13, 2019
When: 20190225
Where: Tog Hackerspace - 22 Blackpitts
It’s our regular Electronics, Microcontroller and IOT evening once again. These evenings are free to attend for members and visitors alike. No booking is necessary, just turn up. Everyone from absolute beginner to experienced is welcome. These evenings are not classes or tutorials, rather a very friendly informal evening. We have a wide range of people who come. Some are absolute beginners who do not even work or study in these areas but are interested to know more. Others have something that they are already working on. We almost always have some first time visitors and we always give them a tour of the space. Come in with your Pi, Arduino, Galileo or whatever you have. Bring your laptop. Maybe you want to make something, solder, breadboard or use our electronic gear. Maybe you have some vague ideas and just want to get started, but you’re not sure how to. Or maybe you’re just curious……if so, it’s fine to come along and just see what others are doing. Hope to see you on the night.