Google Analytics Masterclass – Labs 1,2 & GTM

When: Thursday 12 January, 2017


The 2-Day Workshop was intended to cover the expense of the free meetups (but people are not signing up for the 2-Day Workshop…so I’m going to start charging for the meetups to cover the expense of renting the venue). I’ve decided to change the format of the meetup… 18:30-19:00 Free Presentation on Google Analytics 19:00-20:00 Google Analytics Master Class: Acquisitions (Traffic Analysis) For the GA Master Class, you will need to bring a laptop with a wifi connection. Cost: €25 (per lab) After you’ve set-up Google Analytics, setup goals to track conversions & driven some traffic to your website, the next step is to analyse the traffic & try to make improvements to your marketing efforts. In the Google Analytics Master Class, we will do the following… If you’re new to Google Analytics, your 1st lab will be Google Analytics Setup & Goals Exercise A) Create a list of the channels that you spend time, money or resources marketing on B) The types of things under those channels that you have control over. Exercise – What Are You Goals & What Resistance Points Should You Measure? – What are your Major Goals (what do you want to achieve from your marketing)? – What are your Milestone Goals? – What are your Minor Goals? – What resistance points should you measure? Exercise: Decide on what user behaviours on your site you want to track as a goal (remember we need to focus on useful site behaviours, so I will give you a few recommendations for straightforward events to track)- Clicking on a particular link – Downloading a PDF report – Leaving a comment on your site – Logging in to your site – Pressing ‘Play’ on a video – Watching an entire video – Scrolling to the end of a long blog post – Filling out a form on your site, but not clicking on ‘submit’ Procedures – How to Set-up a Google Account – How to Sign into your Google Analytics Account – How to Setup a Property in the Account You Have Created – How to Set-up the Tracking Code on a WordPress Site – How to Create an Account Profile (view) – How to Give Someone Access to a View – How to Enable Demographics & Interest Reports – How to Enable In-Page Analytics – How to Integrate Webmaster Tools to your Google Analytics Account – How to Integrate Google AdWords Account to your Google Analytics Account – How To Set-Up URL Destination Goals in Google Analytics – How To Set-up Threshold Goals in Google Analytics – How to Set-up a Session Duration Goal in Google – How to Set-up a Pages/Screens per Session Goal in Google Analytics – How to Set-up Event Goals in Google Analytics Google Analytics Lab 2  Custom Advanced Segments – How to Setup an Advanced Segment for Email Traffic – How to create a Custom URL for Tracking Email Campaigns – How to Track Email Opens with Google Analytics (Event Tracking) – How to Embed an Image Tag within the HTML of Your Email – How to Use Your Event Tracking Results – How to Create an Advanced Segment for Google Organic Traffic – How to Create an Advanced Segment for Twitter Traffic – How to Create an Advanced Segment for Facebook Traffic – How to Create an Advanced Segment for Google+ Traffic – How to Create an Advanced Segment for LinkedIn Traffic – How to Create an Advanced Segment for All Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, Google+ & LinkedIn) Traffic – How to Apply an Advance Segment (Already Created) – How to Setup an Advanced Segment for Specific Campaign(s) for Specific Channel(s) – How to Create Advanced Segments to Track Long Tail Keywords – How to Create Advanced Segments for Specific Keyword(s) – How to Create a Condition for Session Greater than 10 – How to Create a Condition for New Sessions Only – How to Create an Advanced Segment for Duration > 60 secs – How to Create an Advanced Segment for Duration 15 – 60 sec – How to Setup Advanced Segments for Event Related Visits – How to Setup Advanced Segments for When Someone Plays a Video Google Analytics Lab 3 Conversion Segments – How to Create an Assisted Conversion Segment for Email – How to Create an Assisted Conversion Segment for Twitter – How to Create an Assisted Conversion Segment for Facebook – How to Create an Assisted Conversion Segment for LinkedIn – How to Create an Assisted Conversion Segment for Google+ – How to Create an Assisted Conversion Segment for Google Organic – How to Measure the Impact of PPC on Organic Search Traffic – How to Measure the Impact of Organic Search on PPC Traffic – How to Measure the Impact of Organic Search on Direct Traffic – How to Measure the Impact of Display Ads Campaigns on Organic Search Traffic – How to Measure the Impact of Social Media on Organic Search – How to Measure the Impact of PPC on Direct Traffic – How to Measure the Impact of Social Media on Direct Traffic – How to Measure the Impact of Email on Direct Traffic

Google Analytics Lab 4 Custom Alerts – How to Create a Custom Alert – No Data (daily) Alert – Site Usage Alerts – Goals Alerts – Ecommerce Alerts – Content Alerts – Clicks (AdWords) Alerts – Traffic Alerts

Annotations – How to Create an Annotation Scheduled Email Reports – How to Set-up Scheduled Email Reports – How to Find and Manage the Scheduled Email Reports – How to Extend the Expiry Date for the Scheduled Email Reports – How to Delete a Schedule Email Report – How to Add More than 10 Rows to the Email Report Custom Dashboards – How to Create a Custom Dashboard – How to Import a Custom Dashboard from the Gallery – How to Add a Widget to an Existing Dashboard – How to Edit the Widget Metrics – How to Clone a Widget – How to Delete a Widget – How to Customise the Dashboard to look differently – How to Change the Dashboard Layout – How to go to the Report from the Widget Custom Reports 20:00 Networking