When machines lie to us and why manual testing is still needed – Maciej Wyrodek
March 20, 2017
When: Wednesday 29 March, 2017
Where: Harvey Nash Ireland - Mount Street Lower
Hello Dublin testing people, we are organising an unforgettable night for you, make sure you don’t miss it. Dublin tester Maciej Wyrodek will talk about machines that can’t always be trusted and giving us his take on automated and manual testing. We are looking to get a venue for this event as soon as we have it we will also publish a date, stay tuned! When machines lie to us and why manual testing is still needed The growth of Agile also caused an incredible spread of automation. But sometimes we are too trusting. Machines are not raising yet against us, but they have already learned how to lie to us. Let’s take a look at a few stories of different automation failures and how they could be avoided with a minimal amount of manual testing. Maciej Wyrodek:”I am part of that power which eternally wills evil.”,A Tester with around six years of experience. He became tester because it was the only legal way to inflict destruction, suffering, and misery on others. He specializes test automation, but his first love is Manual Testing.